Lead Generator - Exhibition Ap

by InterTicket



THREE GOOD REASONS FOR DIGITAL FAIR FOLLOW-UPGet a higher ROI on your trade show investmentGet all leads collected digitally and follow up with a systematic and lead maturation program. You get much better control over the subsequent sales process and thus more customers and higher revenue2. Measure the ROI of your trade show investmentWith a digital collection of leads for your CRM system, you can measure:• Number of closed sales• Number of leads converted to customers• Revenue based on the fair3. Adjust the follow-up to the customers maturityFew leads place an order at the fair itself. At best, they are potential customers who are at different stages in the research and buying process.Instead of losing the dialogue, because the customer is not yet ready for a specific purchase dialogue, you can with Intelligent Digital Fair Follow-up ensure that you are still part of the customers research process - and can shape it - after the fair.LEAD GENERATOR is provided by MesseKompetence, which is part of BilletExpressen.We create results for trade fairs, audience fairs and their exhibitors. We are innovative trade fair specialists with a focus on customer registration, ticketing system, lead generation and exhibiting apps.